While you may not give it much thought, you rely a lot on your home’s water heater. From washing clothes and dishes to taking a nice warm shower, it’s necessary for your everyday life and comfort. To ensure that your water heater stays in peak condition throughout the summer months, there are some necessary tasks that you’ll want to do.

Schedule Annual Maintenance Service

First and foremost, you want to schedule regular maintenance with a licensed plumbing professional. During this service, your water heater will be adequately flushed to remove sediment buildup from your tank. Your pressure relief valve will be tested to ensure it’s working properly. Additionally, your plumber will check the anode rod and other water heater components to ensure they’re still in good condition.

Consider Turning the Thermostat Down

During the summer, you may not need extremely hot water for most tasks. A simple yet effective way to maintain water heater efficiency is to adjust the thermostat. Lowering the temperature reduces the energy your water heater needs to maintain a steady temperature, which can lead to significant energy savings. As a general rule, never set your water heater below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Add Insulation

Another popular way to help increase the efficiency of your water heater is to insulate. Just like insulation helps to create a barrier for your home, the exact same thing is true for your water heater. Insulation will allow the warmth inside your water heater to stay trapped instead of dissipating into the air surrounding the water heater. It’s been estimated that insulating your water heater could help to reduce your heat loss by between 25 and 45%.

Reliable Water Heater Service

Mainline Plumbing offers reliable water heater service for Londonderry, NH, and the surrounding areas. Our knowledgeable plumbers can also assist with all of your well pump, water treatment, PFAS filtration, constant water pressure system, and other plumbing-related needs. Simply give us a call today to schedule your next consultation for your gas water heater, electric water heater or tankless water heater!

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